06 декабря

Here are fresh news of our clients from the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.

Boiron Hosts Two Remarkable Press Events with CROS Support:

  • The homeopathic products manufacturer and the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) presented a joint annual survey, dedicated to Russians’ attitude to homeopathic medicines. This year the topic of the survey was “Russians’ knowledge and practices in healthy lifestyle. Relation between homeopathic methods and other healthcare practices.” Remarkably, people that use homeopathic medicines are more aware about medical issues and are more likely to live a healthy lifestyle.

  • The company also organized another meeting of the ‘Experts on Headlines’ Press Club that was dedicated to the quality of products people consume, primarily medical substances. Market analysts, clinical pharmacologists, experts on eco-labeling and representatives of Boiron, the founder of the club, told journalists about the product features people should look into when making their choice.
  • The CROS team designed the concept and organized an event in support of Gedeon Richter’s Panangin medicine used for heart disease prevention. Participants discussed with a cardiologist what works best: a medicine or a glass of dry red wine. Meanwhile, professional sommelier carried out a wine tasting session and told about proper ways to find good wine.

    The new ‘Contractubex Anti-Red’ gel by Merz was launched on the Russian market. A special press event with an original concept was organized on the occasion. Journalists, provided with brushes and white paint, painted out words that describe feelings of patients that receive new scars: disconfidence, constraint, diffidence, etc. The new medicine efficiently helps remove red sports and smooths scars from the first day of use.




